Women were being granted more opportunities in computing but often encountered obstacles because they were expected to prove themselves more. They were typically in a room full of men. “2009, women comprise 48 per- cent of the U.S. workforce but just 24 percent of STEM workers,” (Beede et al., 2011). This was an improvement but we needed more women in male dominated fields to show that we are capable.
Women in leadership positions started to pick up, especially in politics. This graph is the number of women who serve in the senate.

POP CULTURE - Women vs. the Media
Britney Spears
Britney represented the ‘girl next door’ in the beginning of her career to more promiscuity and showed the duality of both. She was heavily criticized by the media and is the visual representation of what the media can do to a woman
Purity ring era
Media always hard on popstars if they are waiting for marriage. Virginity was heavily fetishized and put on a pedestal as if it were everyone’s business. If these celebrities had sex before marriage, they would be slut shamed
Paris Hilton
Victim of a sex crime and had unwarranted videos of her leake. Paris was ridiculed by the public. 2021, we look back on how the media judged these young women and question it which is a good sign that we as a society can recognize the ‘Bubblegum Misogyny.”
“Women’s participation plateaued at a level well below that of prime working-age men, which stands at about 89 percent” (Yellen, 2021). Women started to feel discouraged because they felt this pressure to take care of the house because that was what everyone was used to.
“Women working full time still earn about 17 percent less than men,” (Yellen, 2021)
These statistics exist because of discrimination and the expectation that women have to watch the kids and working a full time job is too many hours
2001 - IUD first became available for women in the US
Important so women don't have to compromise natural hormones in order to prevent pregnancy
2006 - oral contraceptives became legal for women 18 or older
2009 age lowered to 17
Word didn’t become commonly used until 2014
“In 2008 Moya Bailey, an African American feminist scholar, noticed that the way the media and popular culture treated Black women was different from the way they treated other women of colour. She created the term misogynoir to describe discrimination against Black women resulting from the combination of misogyny and anti-Black racism.”